Agile working, which turned into an obligatory to stay competitive after the pandemic was the first item on the agenda of Enerjisa who didn’t want to be out of the picture. Enerjisa got in contact with StratejiCo for the need for trainings in this manner.
In line with the differentiating needs of the directors and employees, we planned two different training programs fully digital. We carried out three-day C-Suite “Yöneticiler için Çevik Yaklaşım” (Agile Approach for Directors) trainings during which events and developments leading space for agile working, the born of agile mentality, its development and philosophy are delivered for Enerjisa directors. During two-days long “Agile 101” trainings specialized for Enerjisa employers, we gave place to Agile practices. Both of the trainings were organized with a frame where experiences were shared, transferred and different aspects were put forward through interactive design thinking digital tools. By giving place to group works where the attendees practiced the content of the training, we made their knowledge permanent.
Due to the trainings conducted by StratejiCo.,Enerjisa gained detailed knowledge about the Agile mentality and principles and comprehended the supporting and impeding elements on the way of actualizing this approach. Directors learned to see the bigger picture for the Agile conversion and learned the essential points and methods of evaluation regarding the conducting of the conversions and reflecting the mentality on the decision-making process due to the training specially designed for them. Employees receiving “Agile 101” training were informed about how to put the approach as well as the Agile mentality into practice and how to integrate it into the working models.