In the digital era, we need to change the usual corporate structures and management styles. For companies that do not go through this transformation, it is impossible to keep up with the rapidly changing environment. The world of VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) is the period in which the speed and scope of change cannot be determined, and forecasting becomes meaningless and difficult. The existence of companies that are operating in the traditional sense is now becoming more and more difficult during the VUCA period.

Companies that meet the requirements of the digital age and the VUCA period and want to achieve their highest performance in a fast and accurate manner are turning to the Agile, which is one of the management approaches of the future.




The Agile approach emerged in the second half of the 1990s. By changing the way of doing business it doesn't only increase the motivation at the workplace, it also enables the company to provide better quality and faster service to its customers' needs. In other words, being a company that has undergone an Agile transformation means that employees add value first to themselves, then to the company and finally to customers. In short, motivated employees guarantee to have loyal customers.

What advantage does the customer get when the company embraces Agile approach? What do companies with Agile approach bring to their customers? How does managing with the Agile approach improve both the processes and the final product?

Agile Approach Makes a Difference for Customers

The Agile approach makes a difference not only for the employees but also for the customers. The most important difference of this approach for customers is that it puts the customer in the focus of the business processes. Agility has twelve principles, the first of which is customer satisfaction.

Transparent and Continuous Communication

The basic rule of using Agile formulas when developing projects or products is to establish clear and continuous communication with the customer. The customer, who is included in every step of the process, is seen as part of the team. Thanks to this close cooperation between the project team and the customers, the customer is able to make instant feedback, so that they can update their expectations and requests during this process. Thus, this increases customer satisfaction.

Flexible Working Process

The unique structure of the Agile approach gives flexibility to the working process. As the life cycle of the project is not planned in a fixed way, if there a need for change occurs during the process, the team will have the opportunity to adopt it. Priorities and requirements can be rearranged at every stage of the project according to the client's needs and goals. Instead of modifying the final product from scratch, a need for a change can be revealed thanks to the tests carried out in short periods. Changes which can be made at certain points in this flexible process make the end result both fast and accurate. This change in ability and flexibility gives the customer a competitive advantage in the market.

Incremental Development

Thanks to Agile approach's flexible structure, the product/service is delivered to the customer with short sprints and incremental development. The whole work is divided into iterative sprints, and these are carried out in the form of cycles that can be completed quickly. With regular meetings, the development of the process and the current problems are evaluated. This enables the team to find solutions quickly, effectively and immediately. The product/service is being continuously improved by the transparent communication between the project team and the customer. Productivity level increases as the product/service is completed on the specified date. Moreover, making the necessary changes throughout the process ensures that the resulting product is exactly what the customer wants.


To summarize, the Agile approach differs from the traditional methods because it has a flexible structure that is open to change, it places the customers in its focus and establishes a transparent communication with them. In this way, customers working with an Agile company can obtain a product/service that is shaped by changes throughout the process and has the qualities and features that will carry them forward in the competition. Embracing Agile approach enables your company to earn loyal customers who are satisfied with the services you provide.

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StratejiCo. is an independent Turkish corporate and public affairs consultancy firm, providing trusted advice to multinational companies and government institutions in Eurasia since 1987. 

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