Become a customer oriented company.


Deliver the experience you promised.

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One step further:
not just services or products,
but experiences

Customer Experience (CX) is the collection of interactions of your clients with your brand. These interactions don’t start or end with a purchase or when they walk in or out of your store: they comprise previous and further moments such as brand discovery or after-purchase services.

We’ll help you identify your potentialities and current mistakes from a customer’s perspective.

information architecture

Are you offering a complex variety of services? Could their information architecture help comprehend what it is you’re offering?

information architecture

Are the physical and digital experiences of interaction with your brand isolated from each other, in other words, siloed?

information architecture

Is your brand voice consistent across all channels? Is your organization playing at the same beat when it comes to customer experience?

Together we will turn you
into a customer-centric brand by:

  • Closing the gap between your brand promise and the customer’s experience of it.
  • Combining a data-based analysis of your customer’s feedback with an expert and creative hypothesis proposals for improvement.
  • Tracking your customers and building a Customer Journey that shows the pain points, moments of truth and its cause within your internal processes.
  • Making decisions of improvement of your CX based on a strategic plan but solving issues from day one thanks to our Agile methodologies.
  • Making a consistent and seamless experience across all the different channels to increase loyalty and support for your brand.

icon StratejiCo.

At StratejiCo. we’re combining decades of experience in strategic analysis and guidance with design-thinking best practices to offer solutions to your challenges in CX. Our partners help us deliver the right technologies to help you overcome the specific challenges that your case requires, tailored to your needs.

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